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A-2 Into the Storm

A-2 Into the Storm

Into the Storm

The story of the Buffalo is something that I have resonated a lot with over the years. I first heard the story from my great friend and mentor @seartisan. 

The story goes like this... "What's the difference between cows and buffalo? When a storm comes through, the cows scurry and run to shelter, often times exposing them more to the elements. When a buffalo see the storm coming, they charge towards it and face the issues ahead of them, getting through the weather quicker."

Fast-forward 2 years from when Jimmy shared this story with me, I was in Mexico at a psychedelic retreat where the focus was to heal mine and other veterans PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, trauma, and so much more. One of the staff started talking about the same story of the Buffalo. 

As I sat there listening to this story once again, I saw myself as the Buffalo and the storm I needed to face was my past traumas, issues and injuries. I chose to no longer be the casualty and I went through the treatment and faced my storm.

This treatment saved my life and so many other veterans before me. Trauma lives in all of us. It's unavoidable. But the choice to stay a casualty and hurt is only yours. You can make a difference in your life and someone else's if you choose to.

Be the Buffalo in your little world and let the impacts trickle down to others.

Roughly 2-4 weeks for creating and shipping, thank you for your understanding as we are a small business just starting off.

Regular price $147.97 USD
Regular price Sale price $147.97 USD
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